August 21, 2024

New England + Canada Cruise

Travel, Film, Personal

One of my biggest goals as a parent is to travel with my children.

Few experiences in my life have been more formative than my travels. As our kids get older, I am eager to show them more and more of the world.

Wes and I decided to start this summer with a Cruise (in North America) before taking on more elaborate itineraries with the kids. We invited my amazing mother-in-law to join us which proved to be a biggest blessing of the trip.

Our itinerary was : Boston, MA > Bar Harbor, ME > Halifax, Nova Scotia > Sydney, Nova Scotia > Prince Edward Island* > Quebec City > Montreal.

Travel always has its surprises but I was proud of the kids' flexibility and endurance and loved watching them experience new culture and food and routines. Capturing some of our memories on film was a very special experience for me; here are a few highlights...

*Jan and I took an "Anne of Green Gables Tour" while in PEI and it was as delightful as you'd imagine.